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Self-Reflection Essay (Exploratory Paper)

Another new aspect of writing I experienced in this course was writing a self-reflection essay. This was a short essay that described our papers in a rhetorical sense such as its genre, purpose, etc. It also required a detailed assessment on how you personally achieved the CLO’s.

Below is my Self Reflection Essay:

Demetrios Tzanetatos

Professor Rodwell

October 6, 2020


Self-Reflection Essay

           During the early stages of the exploratory paper I decided to choose a topic that not only has significance in the world we live in but also having personal significance towards me and my life. The topic I decided to write about was “The affects the English language has on immigrants coming into America and the problems they face by not knowing how to speak English”. Like many this topic was something that I could personally relate to as a first-generation child in America. The motivation I got to do this assignment was because coming from an immigrant family I have seen first hand the struggles my family has gone through by learning the English language and assimilating themselves into the American culture. The point of this paper was to do a ton of scholarly research and to be able to state the facts and information into your work without any personal opinions appearing. As I was doing my research and typing my paper, I hoped to relay possible unknown information to myself and my audience. I tried to keep any opinions I might have about this topic out of my writing and tried to just keep the information given solely on the research. The audience I took into consideration when doing this assignment was one that did not know anything about the topic. I wanted to write a paper where the reader can learn about the topic from the information given without trying to persuade them to pick a certain side. This assignment has helped my overall learning and confidence in writing a research paper. Since this has been my first collegiate paper, I was nervous and I was always questioning the work I had done thinking it was not good enough. However, as the deadline came closer and I got feedback from my fellow students and professor I knew what I had to do to complete my paper. The thing I believe I learned most that can benefit any future research papers is to first see what the research says and then decide on what you want to add or leave out.

How this assignment relates to my growth? Parts of any CLOs that address this growth?

It being the very first time I have written a self-reflection essay thought I did okay. I saw the comments made by professor Rodwell and I understood where I went wrong. I did not give details on how this paper correlates with any of the CLO’s given in the syllabus. Because I did not properly state what CLO’s correlates with my work I received a 2/3 on the assignment. This assignment helped me grow because I was able to see the importance of my paper as a writer by viewing the course learning outcomes and seeing which ones correlated with my work. 

The CLO that I addressed my growth as a writer with was CLO#3. The part in CLO#3 that helped me was recognizing the rhetorical terms and strategies in my writing. I was able to recognize the rhetorical situation within my exploratory paper. I was able to recognize the rhetorical situation by including what I hoped to accomplish in my final paper and relationship my writing had with the audience reading it. Answering these questions in the self-reflection essay helped me understand the importance of my writing besides the topic. It showed me how to go further into my work and see how a course learning outcome was applied.