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Peer Review for Exploratory Essay

During the writing process for the Exploratory Essay the Professor assigned every student into groups where we helped each other improve our outlines, best drafts, etc. I was placed in peer group #4 with 5 of my fellow classmates.


Below is the feedback I received from my group and the Professor on my best draft:


Below is the feedback I gave to my group:




How this assignment relates to my growth? Parts of any CLOs that address this growth?

This was the first time I ever reviewed and gave feedback on how to improve other students work. In the beginning I was nervous to give advice because I did not want to give false information. In the end the peer review groups helped me greatly in grasping an idea on how to write and improve my paper. This is because when reviewing other students work and seeing how they formatted, and transitioned their work I am then able to review my work and see the mistakes I made. The feedback I received from my fellow students and professor on my best draft resulted in me fixing the best draft into the final paper. One important piece of feedback given to me on my best draft was that it possessed many argumentative features. This was not allowed as the paper needed to written solely on the research done. I struggled in accomplishing this transition which saw a poor grade in the end however this helped me grow as a student and learn new strategies to revising my work.

The CLO I addressed in this personal growth was CLO#2 “Developing strategies such as reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing”. Reading other students best draft in the peer review helped me find the errors within my own paper. Being able to see how they applied their research into their work showed me the argumentative stance I took in my paper by putting sources that had a bias stance. Drafting was another important aspect to formulating the final paper. I have always struggled writing drafts and being able to edit them after revisions. The peer review changed that. I was not only given advice on how to improve my paper but I was also given ideas on how I can transition my topic into something that will be easier to do.