This was one of the first discussion board assignments we completed in this class. The goal of this post was to watch a video on Chimamanda Adichie- The Danger of a Single Story. We then needed to write what the main point of the video was and how it correlates with the course learning outcomes.
Below is the discussion forum and my post:
How this assignment relates to my growth? Parts of any CLOs that address this growth?
This assignment was the first time we needed to interpret the main purpose of a video we watched. I found the video easy to understand and I was able to write what I believe is the main purpose. Although after completion I was able to see others opinion on what they interpreted from the video. Even though some of the interpretations were different from mine, we were all correct. This assignment has helped me grow because it required me to analyze what I was reading and come up with an interpretation of the main purpose.
A course learning outcome I believe I addressed during this assignment was CLO#2. This course learning outcome was developing strategies for reading. I used this because we needed to understand what was being said in the video. This led to each student having their own strategy in interpreting what was being said. The class was filled with ideas and beliefs of what the purpose was which allowed me to see other student’s interpretation of the assignment.